133 Waimea Road
- Nelson
New Zealand 7010
Ph 03 546 6567,
Please email us for details
10 TV channels & 2 Digital Radio stations
channel 1 - Satellite feed through
DW channel 2 - Satellite feed through
- Satellite feed through
NHK Japan 4 - Satellite feed through
Mainland TV channel 5 - Repeat library channel
Mainland TV channel 6 -Repeat library channel
TV-India - Satellite feed through
Daystar - USA - Satellite feed through
Available for lease -
Mainland TV channel 10 - Available for lease temp camera
Radio 1 - VOA USA Satellite feed through
Radio 2 - Overcomer Radio USA feed through
NB - Most of the following Radio stations can be contacted via the links below or via G W 133 Waimea Rd Nelson - Contact via email
The following are the Audio sources, the operator / broadcaster & contact details, owners/ stream of all feed through local Radio
.. - 87.6 FM WOL Nelson - Tasman & WOL - 107.5 Marlborough
Truelight FM 87.6 FM Marlborough
Air 1 NZ - 88 FM Nelson Tasman - 88 FM Marlborough & 107.3 FM Motueka & Golden bay ...
Daystar Radio NZ 106.7 FM Nelson, 106.7 FM Tasman, Motueka & Golden Bay & 107.3 FM Marlborough
CSN Radio NZ - 87.8 FM Nelson, 107.5 FM Tasman, Motueka Golden Bay & 106.7 FM Marlborough
VOA1 NZ - 88.3 FM Nelson & Marborough & 107 FM Golden Bay
Calvary Radio 107.7 FM Nelson, 107.7 FM Tasman, Motueka Golden Bay & 107.7 FM Marlborough
106.9 FM Marlborough Overcomer Radio
Technical services
design, build, program and provide training for TV, Radio stations, WIFI & Online
services in NZ and overseas.We
can arrange the use of broadcast site facilities in 5 locations across the top
of the South Island of New Zealand for Digital TV, Cellphone sites, Radio, WiFi
and general communications.

for full size technical details
have a team that designs and builds custom electronic equipment,
antennas and
technology for specific requirements.

We can show you some very successful working models.