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Mainland TV archive - YouTube channel ...... FACEBOOK...... Contact Us . ......About Us

..Full Mainland TV site .....Mainland TV Video on Demand....TV & Radio info ..... DW Reception M2

.Advertise on TV, Radio & Online ......Take a look at our region...Local Christian Media

Mainland TV Video on Demand. .Content from Viewers - .First NZ People ....NZ Govt - Alarming Direction

Middle East ........Govt Paid Media admit FAKE NEWS ..History...BFD ....Racism in NZ? ...History-unedited

Covid Scam? ... Viewer Blog ....Electric vehicles ...Media Ad Racism ... Radio NZ fake News

Covid Treatment?.Vax & Drug Companies. Is this New Zealand's future?

RNZ caught out with Fake news ......NZ First Indigenous people ....NZ Media admit more FAKE News

Who pollutes

Mainland TV broadcasts 10 TV channels and 2 Radio stations.

Some 5G Cell phones & sites are causing interference at times to some of our TV channels

If you would like to lease a TV channel or FM Radio station please contact us.

Mainland supports free and open lawfull speech whether we agree or disagree with the subject.

We are the region's only TV, Radio & Online Media that has been in business over 30 years and we are not Govt Controlled or funded.

We do not have experts on every subject watching live feed through TV channels 24/7 so we can not vet what is true or false so like social media any complaints must be directed soley to the program / content producers.

Mainland TV is a broadcast transmission company only and does not produce any content or adverts etc so we can not take any responsibility for content