Mainland Television Ltd - TV - Radio - Online

133 Waimea Road Nelson New Zealand

Ph 03 546 6567 - email

Advertising / Marketing  / Sales Agreement 
 NB: Advertising is not permitted on Good Friday, Christmas Day, or 6.00am to noon Sundays & ANZAC.GST No 59-889-265
Legal Name: 
Contact Person:  
Street Address  
Billing Address 
Phone Number:  Email : 
Advertising Instructions:  Production Details: 
Advertising Details   
Contract Start Date:   Airtime / mth +GST / mthAir Time / ch / week
Contract Finish Date:    Production /mth+GST / mthProduction / week
Contract period in days Total  spots total per ChOther Goods / week
Contract period in Mths Spot rate +GSTOther services / week
Ad duration in Seconds Total Air time   +GST 
Ads /  day on 1 Channel  File AFile BFile CSub total / week
Days per week    
Ads / Mth all 3 channels  Total Monthly Invoice GST  / week
Other / wk Total per mth  Incl GSTTOTAL:  / week
PRODUCTION Details NB MTV Does NOT produce adverts  
Other   Date Crew to film ad  
FilmingCustomer to view ad 
Editing & EffectsAd Complete target  
Misc costs 
Production Total Est Minsplus GST  TOTAL: Incl
PAYMENTS are due prior to broadcast or delivery or on 20th Month to approved account holders 
Direct electronic payments may be made to Mainland Television Ltd - BNZ Nelson Account No 020704 0417007 00  
All contracts that are terminated prior to the expiry date will be charged at the standard rate for the period as at termination 
and back dated to the comencement of the contract - ie A 12 month contact terminated at 6mths is at the total 6mth price
All  Mainland Television Ltd's Terms and Conditions have been read fully, understood and agreed to by all  parties.
Date contract signed:Client's Name: ________________________
Marketing Person:Client's Signature  
Office useEntered on ad sheet by:Ammendment notes   
 Ad on air -started: